{checking in + a few thank yous}

I don't even know how to start this post off! I went through several days of trying times and very little sleep, and I simply can't believe it's over. It's behind me! As many of you know I had my PhD thesis defense in Biochemistry yesterday, I had been up to my eye balls in reading and studying and went into a bit of a hibernation. I'm so thankful for all of your support through this, your comments, your emails, everything. And for being so understanding as I wasn't able to give much attention to the blog or to visiting & commenting on other blogs.

I'm super excited to check in today and let you know that I passed! Hooray! Years of studying are finally coming to a close, and the future will hold many new and wonderful things. It feels like a fresh start in many ways. THANK YOU friends, for coming here and checking up on me all the time, encouraging me, and truly being with me through this long journey. Time to celebrate!

Hope you are having a good week so far, I think with a little extra sleep mine is going to get even better and better :)

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